The How to Write a Book Book
Your Step-by-Step Plans for Bringing BIG IDEAS to Life One Page at a Time
Praise from our galley readers:
"Aspiring authors ... quit planning to write your book. Get this one! Spend a weekend with it, get fired up, and get going!"
— Anita Campbell, Founder and CEO of Small Business Trends
"I loved the practical, relatable, easy-to-follow advice on writing, publishing, and marketing a first book, in Parts 1 and 2. Then, as a published author myself, I was inspired by Part 3, with words of wisdom from other writers that got my energy revving to make writing a constant part of my life!"
— Tracy Chamberlain Higginbotham, Founder, Women TIES, LLC, speaker, and author of Under the Rose-Colored Hat
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"Wow, what a fabulous resource! ... This wonderful book takes the fear away and breaks the process down into bite-sized chunks, with practical steps to take you from beginning to end. I recommend all aspiring authors read The How to Write a Book Book and get started on their first book."
— Carol Hanson, CEO at, Image consultant and personal sylist
What’s in The How to Write a Book Book?
Part 1 summarizes how the steps of house building provide guidance for quality book building. Each chapter in Part 2 goes into depth on following each step toward completing, publishing, and marketing your book.
Then in Part 3, in addition to Yvonne and Tom, you’ll get these experienced authors’ real-world Stories from the Trenches:
Guy Kawasaki | Andrea Learned | Dick Richards |
David Young | George Kittredge | Stephanie Siegrist |
Ellen Langas | Michele Miller | Rosa Say |
Robert W. Bly | Robbi Hess | Amy Shojai |
Table of Contents
Books Bring Ideas to Life
Pride and Accomplishment
What to Expect from The How to Write a Book Book
1. Information on the Writing Process
2. Inspiration
3. Advice on Book Marketing
4. Advice on Publishing
Part 1
Book Building
What could be easier than that?
Five-step “Building” Process
Step 1: The Idea! (your foundation)
Step 2: Blueprints
Step 3: Floorplans & “shop drawings”
Step 4: Exterior Design
Step 5: Interior Design, furnishings, as-built drawings & notes
On Being Phenomenal
Tips on Getting Help (hint: do you need a project manager?)
Part 2
Getting Started
Breaking Out of Writer’s Block
The Power of a Visual World
To Justify or Not to Justify
And Now, a Word About Editing and Proofreading
Publishing Options: Mainstream or “Indie”
Marketing Tools and Tactics: Becoming “the Author of”
Part 3
Stories from the Trenches
We No Longer Live in the World of Dick and Jane, by Yvonne DiVita
Advice to Authors, by Guy Kawasaki
Sometimes a Book Just Happens, by George Kittredge
The Story Behind Managing with Aloha, by Rosa Say
A Fine Position to Be In, by Robert W. Bly
Keep On Writing, by Ellen Langas Campbell
How to Write a Book Under Extreme Duress, by David Young
How I Wrote Know Your Bones, by Stephanie Seigrist
It’s Enough to Give You Gas, by Michele Miller
On Writing, by Andrea Learned
Lessons on Writing that I Keep Forgetting, by Dick Richards
7 Steps to Accidental Writer Success, by Amy Shojai
I dropped in a dragon, a car crash, a winning lottery ticket …, by Robbi Hess
Best Laid Plans (Or, Writing Lessons from HGTV Stars), by Tom Collins
About the Authors